The Point of the Matter

Fashion: A good look at looking good

Stasha Boyd / Cheryl Stuller Season 1 Episode 11

How we present ourselves in the world, or how we don’t, speaks volumes. Do you stay up on the latest trends out of Paris? (Cheryl) Or do you commit to a tried-and-true look that suits you regardless of what anyone else thinks? (Stasha) Do you feel confident giving fashion advice? (Cheryl) Or would you rather eat glass than offer an opinion on what another woman wears? (Stasha). One thing we agree on: if you rock it, wear it. Now kick off those heels and grab your favorite libation! We’re takin’ a good look at lookin’ good.

Tonight's beverages:

Cheryl's standby:

  • 1.5 oz Reyka Vodka
  • 3 oz water
  • 1.5 oz Cranberry juice
  • Raspberries

Stir together, pour over ice. Add raspberries for garnish and enjoy! (One reason Cheryl like's this combo is that's light on the alcohol, lightly sweet from the cranberry juice, but most importantly, guarantees you drink water!) 

Stasha's standby: 

  • A glass of Cabernet. 

Grab an open a bottle of wine, tonight's choice was leftover Apothic from last night's dinner. Pour into a red-wine glass (larger bowl, wide rim). Fill to 1/3rd mark or between 5-8 oz. Let breathe. Enjoy.  

Cheryl's favorite fashion links:

For the style-challenged curvy woman, Stasha suggests checking out style and fashion coach Judith Gaton. 
She also hosts a free podcast: 

Stasha Boyd  00:01

Hi there, I'm Stasha


Cheryl Stuller  00:03

I'm Cheryl.


Stasha Boyd  00:05

And between us we


Cheryl Stuller  00:05

have four kids,


Stasha Boyd  00:07

three businesses, 


Cheryl Stuller  00:08

two husbands and one goal:


Stasha Boyd  00:10

to get to The Point of the Matter. 


Cheryl Stuller  00:11

We absolutely judge each other on our clothes. And honestly, I'm gonna go out on a box and say, I think that's okay. And the reason why I think that's okay, is because we have a discerning eye that we can look at people's body types, other women's body types and say, that's not quite great for your body type. More, that's awesome for your body type. Way to rock it. Like we can immediately tell what looks good and what doesn't on another woman.


Stasha Boyd  00:49

Right, but I'm like, wear what the fuck you want. And it's like being, and again, maybe it's because I am so inured against it because I have to deal with people who, because I am a little bit larger. And I have to deal with people who have an opinion about what is and isn't okay for me to wear. Hey, Cheryl. 


Cheryl Stuller  01:12

Hi Stasha. 


Stasha Boyd  01:14

Here we are once again ready for our next episode. This is very exciting. But first, how was your week?


Cheryl Stuller  01:21

Okay, you want me to go first huh? I wonder why. Okay, so my week, um, a couple of things. So. And a lot of this I'm bringing up just for the listeners. But Brian has a cousin that I really, really love. She is super cool. They are very progressive, which is what I like. And they live in Germany. She just got word that she has breast cancer. And the reason I'm bringing it up is because the only way she found out, she had a mammogram. But the only way she found out is because in Germany which they require you to do an ultrasound along with a mammogram just for that reason. So the only way they found it was because of that. Just for us girls that are, even, even me. I'm a biggie small, but I have very dense breasts. So whenever I get a mammogram, I also get an ultrasound as well, because I don't want to miss anything.


Stasha Boyd  02:26

Yeah. Okay.


Cheryl Stuller  02:27

All right. So what news do you have before we move on?


Stasha Boyd  02:31

See, you know, I did not want to talk about this. I didn't want to do it. But okay.


Cheryl Stuller  02:36

I'm making you, I'm making you. It's for the listeners, girl.


Stasha Boyd  02:39

Yes, Cheryl is making me do this. She is bullying me into doing this. I am having a really rotten week. I'm mad as hell, I'm in a very, very bad mood. For those of you guys who've been listening for a little, little while I am 54 years old. And two days ago, I got another period.


Cheryl Stuller  03:00



Stasha Boyd  03:01

Nine months, nine months. And again, I'm, it's like, No, no, no, no, because as we talked about in our menopause episode, they restart that clock every time this happens. Every time. And so I'm in a bad mood. Here I am, I'm trying to go out tonight. Well, it's like our first time going out and hearing some live music with some friends. We got that set up on the docket for tonight. I'm wearing my cute top, my white jeans. We're talking about fashion today. And you know, and then, there's that. So yeah.


Cheryl Stuller  03:31

We should not be having to deal with the back and forth, the flip-flopping. You know, either we don't have a period, or we do, just make up your fucking mind and let us move on.


Stasha Boyd  03:41

Precisely, because that's all we want to do is move on. We all want to move on.


Cheryl Stuller  03:44

We all want to move on. It's so crazy. So anyway, back to our wonderful subject that we're so excited about. It is...


Stasha Boyd  03:52

Fashion. We're talking about fashion. Fashion in your 50s, fashion in general, fashion for everything.


Cheryl Stuller  03:59

Yes. And we have, as we were talking about before we started, it's great because we have two totally different experiences with fashion and I think both can be beneficial to our warrior queens going forward.


Stasha Boyd  04:16

Well and I want to start like we always do with, you know, why, why do, why is this topic important to women in their 50s and midlife women anyway. And for me I think it's important because so many things are happening at this stage and phase of life that you really have very little control over you might have some influence. Kids are growing up and moving on, your body is changing, as you get older, you know, your place and your, your enjoyment of the workforce, the things you do for enjoyment. Those things are kind of out there out in the world. But something you can control is how you dress and how you present yourself to the world and how you present yourself to yourself. And so I think for women in our age range, that's a really important thing. Um, what are your, what are your thoughts on that? 


Cheryl Stuller  05:06

Well, here's a question. Do you dress for yourself? Do you dress for your husband? Or do you dress for the public? Who do you dress for?


Stasha Boyd  05:15

There are two that I dress for. I dress for me first because of how I feel. And then, everybody knows, women dress for other women. They do not dress for men or their husbands. I'm sorry, gentlemen. I'm sorry. You know, that's just, that's the fact of it. It's like, Oh, honey, this, do I look good in this? Honestly, you don't care. Because that person's not going to judge you. If you're out on the town, and you look reasonably decent, especially in the dark after a couple of drinks. And you're single and some guy, I mean, he's not going to sit there and judge whether or not, you know, your handbag and your shoes match. But another woman will look at that and go Oh, wow, great handbag. Look, those shoes are very nice. Ooh, those toes, she could have redone that pedicure. 


Cheryl Stuller  05:58

Mm hmm. We absolutely judge each other on our clothes. And honestly, I'm gonna go out on a box and say, I think that's okay. And the reason why I think that's okay, is because we have a discerning eye that we can look at people's body types, other women's body types, and say, that's not quite great for your body type. More, that's awesome for your body type, way to rock it. Like we can immediately tell what looks good and what doesn't on another woman. And we can say, Hmm, I might want to wear that or huh. I think that would look the same way on me. What do you think about that?


Stasha Boyd  06:40

Well, I think if you're, because I was getting a little bit, you know, kind of going on a little pushback, even, till you put that hook there in at the end and kind of sent us off in another direction. Because you used it to look at and say it's like, Okay, I can look at this look and say, Yeah, that would look good for me, or that would look good for, you know, people, people who are tall, people who are shorter, people who are this, people who are that. I always worry about it, because so many people, they get to Oh my god, she shouldn't be wearing that. And that's the end of their thought. And you know it's like, and so it never occurs to them whether or not that person thinks they look great. You know, it's like, if they're rounder in the middle, but they're wearing a wide black belt with a big old silver buckle. Who cares if somebody, some rando on the street doesn't like it? If that person feels good? If they feel like they're rocking that look? There you go. I mean, let them, let them have their day.


Cheryl Stuller  07:33

Yeah. I just think, to an extent, I would say that because there's also we have, we are very good, women are very good at judging. And maybe it's just for other people that we see and we can't see it for ourselves. Because we have those comfortable clothes that we've always worn that we go back and forth on. But they, but maybe that's not quite right for our body. And we need somebody to help educate us on that. And I mean it from the education standpoint. I don't mean it from the judgmental standpoint. And fashion is so like, I've been really excited about this subject because I have always been very into fashion. I modeled for a short time when I was in high school. And it's something that I've always been drawn to naturally naturally. Can I even talk tonight? And been very good at in some respects. So I think not from a judgmental way but from a Hey, can I help you with, I love this. But do you know that if you do ABC this would bring that outfit together even more? It's from that standpoint.


Stasha Boyd  08:54

Yeah. Well and I think that goes back to something that just as a general life rule, understanding the difference between being judgmental and exercising good judgment. Being judgmental means I have looked at a situation or a person or a circumstance or, or somebody else's fashion and I have decided that that's not right for them. Exercising good judgment is I have looked at another circumstance or idea or whatever and that is or is not right for me. And to me, I think that's always the the kicker and again if somebody like comes and says it's like anything else if if you see somebody that dresses well, that you like the way they dress, you like the way they present themselves, and you're like Hey, you know, would you, would you go shopping with me? I'm having a hard time I've got a, I've got a blind spot. I keep trying on clothes, trying on clothes, then I finally buy something out of frustration. I go home, I put it on the next time and I hate it. I need some help. I had a girlfriend like that one time and she was just freaking awesome. And she worked at Nordstroms which was just even better. Cause we were able to go to Nordstroms, you know, and she knew this, the lines and the sizes and everything. And the funny thing was, is that, um, this was in one of my phases when I was actually a lot thinner than I am now probably about 30, 35 pounds thinner than I am now. And I thought I was so fat. It's so hard, Honey, it's so hard. But go above. Now, let's get to that in a minute, let's start talking about like, the thing about fashion for you, because this is an exciting topic for you. Um, that thing about being a model. And it was funny, because like, I could never do runway modeling, because my proportions are so odd. I did a lot of print modeling, because I look good on film, you know, put me in front of a camera, and I look great, but you know, put me in some clothes and send me walking down the street. I have an odd gait. My proportions are not what the fashion industry standards were, all of the things that, that are part of the business. People don't recognize. And I think that's something else too, for folks to understand that there's a real difference between a runway model and couture clothes and fashion clothes, and a regular person and their clothes. Those are, and it's a business. It's like one is like inspirational. And the other one is, this is how, this is what's available. This is the thing for you.


Cheryl Stuller  11:21

Well, and if you ever, I know most women probably don't do this, but I absolutely do. Because I love fashion so well. I follow Paris week. I follow what the designers are putting out there. And when I saw what they put out for Paris week, this this week, I was like, Oh my God, wait till I tell Stasha. So they have gone back to the 70s looks, they have gone back to the big collars, they have gone back to the A-frame dresses that have three different sections with ruffles. They have gone back to the 70s so much that I thought I was gonna have PTSD. I was like, Oh my God, why are you doing this? Why would we go back to this. But all of the designers except for Elie Saab went back to that kind of crazy 70s look with the bell bottoms and the high waist jeans. and the, I just couldn't believe it. So your point about what the designers are doing for like, couture week and what we're seeing in the stores for just us normal women? It's, it's from A to Z. So really don't get caught up in that. You can look at it as a guide as to where the designers are leaning. But, but as it filters down to us, when we go to like Banana Republic or Gap, we're not going to see that kind of stuff in the stores. And thank God for that.


Stasha Boyd  12:51

Well, you'll see a version of it. And I think that's an important thing too because if you are a person who really enjoys trendy fashions and really likes, you know, to be part of the season, then then absolutely, it's like, you know, go look at it and then find find the version of it that works for you. Not every fashion on the runway is gonna work for everybody. And, and I will say, speak to this one thing. Dressing age appropriately. I'm sorry, 


Cheryl Stuller  13:17

Which is a big thing for us. 


Stasha Boyd  13:19

Right. But I'm like, wear what the fuck you want. And it's like being, and again, maybe it's because I am so inured against it, because I have to deal with people who, because I am a little bit larger. And I have to deal with people who have an opinion about what is and isn't okay for me to wear. I'm like, I don't give a shit what anybody thinks of what I wear. And quite frankly, I don't think anybody else should either. If you want to put on a skinny ass mini skirt and a big ol v neck and tape your tits down and do whatever you need to do, and you're 65, 70, 75 years old and put on your shoes and you can still rock a pair of three inch stilettos and you feel good and you feel happy and you feel sexy, or you feel whatever you feel that's positive, go do that thing.


Cheryl Stuller  14:05

Okay I'm gonna push back on that. I'm gonna push back on that. Because this goes back to, I'm not going to say age appropriate, I'm gonna say body appropriate. And if you do not have if, if that outfit is not suiting your body and your body type and it's not flowing and laying correctly, it's not a good look for you. So it's more about that for me versus age. But I will tell you if I see a 65 year old in a miniskirt and her boobs are taped down with a V-neck shirt. I'm gonna say No girl, you're past that stage and there, and that's one of the things I wanted to talk about today is, there is a way to be sexy and appropriate for the stage in life that we are. And that looks good on your body. So that's gonna be my pushback on that.


Stasha Boyd  15:05

Well, let's break that down a little bit because I think my, my thought is, is I was I was trying to start with the idea that everybody's got a mirror in their house, they know what they look like when they walk out the door. And they might have a husband or spouse or friend and they walk out, and it's like Does this look, okay, baby? And that person says, Honey, you look great to me. And off they go. And so they've made it through hurdle number one, or hurdle number one is buying it and trying it on and buying it and, hurdle number two is getting it home and getting dressed to go back out. Hurdle number three is checking their look in the mirror. Hurdle number four is, you know, the spouse or the friend or whatever, by the time I'm on the scene, they've already gone through all these hurdles, and they're not really looking for my opinion. Now, if somebody is, if somebody asks my opinion, or they say, if they come up to me and go, like, Man, that's a great look. Or it's like, I like how, I love those shoes, or whatever it is that they might say, then I would feel that there was an invitation to talk about fashion, but even then, I don't think I would ever, no I would, I would never offer any kind of unsolicited opinion about what somebody else, how somebody else presents themselves, without them either asking me directly, or saying, man, you know, gosh, I just I just have such a hard time shopping. I think if somebody gave me an, if somebody gave me an overt opening, I would say something. But I have been on the receiving end of so much well intentioned, utter fucking bullshit that I would really I really would hesitate about that. I would I would I would not again, it would be, somebody has to be real clear with me that they want my point of view.


Cheryl Stuller  16:45

And I probably would not either. And I think where that comes from is a woman not recognizing where, at what stage she is in life, how her body has changed, and how clothes look on that newer, different body. That's the framework I'm going from. And would I go, would I walk up to somebody in a grocery store and say that to them? No. But, I would call you up. And I would say you would not believe what I saw in the grocery store today. Because, you know, so I think it's, Hey, girls, we need to acknowledge where we are, what stage we are in life. And we need to dress for how our body is changing. You know, because I, I'm not going to be in Daisy Dukes at 55 with stilettos on I'm just not gonna do it.


Stasha Boyd  17:44

What were you wearing at the beach house last week? Talk to me about them shorts. What were them shorts?


Cheryl Stuller  17:54

We're gonna talk about the different lengths and how to wear them.


Stasha Boyd  17:58

And that little sporty bra? What about that bikini you were rocking? You know, I think the thing is, is that you the whole idea about, and I agree with you, I agree with you about the point that we want to dress for how we want to present ourselves. And I think that for me, that's the main thing. It's like, I want to feel pretty. That's really all I want. I just want to feel pretty, I don't need to feel powerful, I don't need to feel, you know, like, I need my clothes to like, you know, introduce me to the world or the room. Because I have a forceful personality. I know that. It's like if I walk into a room, it doesn't matter what I'm wearing people are going to notice. But I think that when you, when you get into fashion, especially, it's like the idea of, of, I am changing, I am entering a new phase of my life. I'm changing the way I look. And you have uncertainty. I wouldn't want anybody to feel afraid to try something because somebody else might not think it's appropriate for this age. I would say try what you want. And when you find that outfit, and you put it on and you look in that mirror, and you're like, I look in this mirror and I feel awesome. This is inspiring. I love this. That's the look you're looking for. And if that look looks good to nobody else on the planet but you, but you still genuinely feel great? Go for it.


Cheryl Stuller  19:25

And if you, Okay, let me think about that because I'm with you on the one hand, but then on the other hand, if it's not appropriately laying correctly on your body, and if it's if you're trying to be 20 like we are no longer in our 20s and 30s. We should not be dressing like we are we are in our 20s and 30s. Does that mean that we cannot dress sexy? Absolutely not. There are ways to do that, that still bring the sexy on, that still bring the power suit on, that still bring that I I feel fun and flirty, I feel confident, I feel, whatever, there's still ways to do that and look appropriate in your 50s. And I think that's the important distinction. If your, if your mental awareness of fashion hasn't progressed with what we now know as a 50 year old, mentally, assertiveness, don't put up with relationships that are toxic, we had to grow into all that shit, if we're not doing that with our fashion, then we're missing something because we can be intellectually evolved but if our fashion isn't corresponding with that then we're missing something in that.


Stasha Boyd  20:48

And that actually brings me I think that like actually makes a very important point. And I was, I had this in my notes somewhere, but I had a real I had a hard time shopping for clothes for the longest, longest time. And one day I'm watching What Not to Wear with my girl Stacy London and Clinton and Stacy London, she had this person on there. And they were, you know, they were heavier set, they were having a hard time buying clothes. And they were just on nearly in tears, which by the way, I mean for for decades, every shopping trip I went on I mean, it was just, it ended with me in tears in the dressing room. But this one, she was near tears. And she's like, you know, I'm too fat for this. And this doesn't fit my waist here. My waist is too big and my butts to this, and Stacy finally, she listened to her, just let it go, just let it go. And then Stacy said, let me tell you something, anytime an outfit, or a garment or a piece of clothing don't fit, doesn't fit you. It's the clothes' fault. It is never your body's fault. If anything needs to be fixed, it's the clothes, not you, you're fine. Your job is and, and she also you know the second that was the first bit of life changing advice, because that's what I would do, I'd go into those dressing rooms and I just burst into tears. Because it's like, you know, they don't fit because, you know, my, my boobs are too small. And my waist is too big and everything and there's too much fat here. And on. And then the next thing she said was just, it was like talk about life changing. She's like, so if the problem is the clothes, don't worry about trying to fix yourself. Just fix the clothes. Find a tailor.


Cheryl Stuller  22:23

Mmhmm. Yeah, absolutely.


Stasha Boyd  22:25

And that actually. Go ahead. 


Cheryl Stuller  22:27

Go ahead. No, go ahead.


Stasha Boyd  22:28

Okay, which brings you back like the things were like things fitting and not fitting. One of the challenges like all these clothes that I just bought back a couple of months ago, and I actually had some on up at the lake at the weekend. I bought them at Bells, you know, it's a Florida store. It's an inexpensive clothing place. And of course, nothing fucking fits, it kind of fits. It almost fits, it sort of fits. But one of the things in plus size women clothing is basically they take regular women's clothing, and just blow it up without proportionality. And then when they do think about proportionality, they think that every woman with a larger waist has massive tits. So if somebody is looking at my clothes, they're gonna say that's not laying right on you, Honey. And it's it's because the to get it to fit in one spot, it doesn't fit in another spot. So that's a hard thing to kind of get your mind around because some people can't sew, some people can't afford a tailor. But in order for it to fit Spot A they have to sacrifice Location B.


Cheryl Stuller  23:32

Absolutley. And I'm- and and you're saying that for plus size women. Smaller women like myself have the same challenges because I have a short waist, small chest and long legs. So I always look like I'm on stilts all the time. Nothing is proportional. And so I have the same problems and I oftentimes use a tailor especially if it's something that is going to be something I want to repeatedly wear. It's not it's not a one off. It's not a I'm just wearing it for this event, therefore I can pin it around my chest to make my chest smaller and more fitted. I can do that for one night. If it's not that I go to a tailor or I do it myself.


Stasha Boyd  24:28

By the way, Cheryl. 


Cheryl Stuller  24:30



Stasha Boyd  24:30

Have you ever used a stapler?


Cheryl Stuller  24:33

I have not used to stapler I've always used pins!


Stasha Boyd  24:37

I've used, I've used pins. I've used tape, but there was one time it's like I was gonna go to some some event. It was a few years back but I needed to get my it wasn't fitting right it wasn't and I needed to get it to pinch in. I needed some darts in the back and I did not have a sewing machine out at the time. I didn't have any thread. I was at a hotel. That's what it was. I was at a hotel but I'd found out right beforehand that I was supposed, gonna be, supposed to go up and say something and speak. I'm like, Oh my god, I look like a blimp, blah, blah, blah. So I actually went to the business center, in the hotel, and I use the stapler and I stapled two little darts into the back of the shirt. Because, and it worked.


Cheryl Stuller  25:16

And that works. And And isn't that so funny that we as women know those little things that we can do to make things work? You know, even if it's temporarily before we meet with that tailor person that we use? 


Stasha Boyd  25:31

Yeah. Well, and I think too, that is one of the things that because there are circumstances, you know, basically, for ladies who have never used a tailor before, if you calculate an additional 20% onto the value of an average item, so it's like, and by average I don't mean shopping at the discount stores the Targets the Walmarts but on a decent place, like um, what's the what's a middle to higher end store, 


Cheryl Stuller  25:56

Gap, Gap, Loft.


Stasha Boyd  25:58

New York, New York, something like that. And those are nice clothes. And they are, they're a little bit more complicated to fix than the average person just running a stitch down a back. About 20%. So putting a couple of darts in a shirt can change everything, but buy the thing that fits your largest size. So if you're a generously chested woman with a smaller waist, by the thing to fit your boobs, take it somewhere and have them tak it in a few inches. If you're like me and your your stomach and your waist is the larger part, fit it there. And then take it to the tailor and have them either bring it up at the shoulders, take it in under the arms, whatever they need to do. They sound like super complicated fixes. But if you're buying a pretty simple piece, most, you know, like a woman's blouse is normally pretty simple. It's normally like $10, $12 $15 it's like a dry cleaning charge. 


Cheryl Stuller  26:52

It's not that much. 


Stasha Boyd  26:53

No, it's not as much as you think it is.


Cheryl Stuller  26:54

It's not as much as you think it is. And it gets you to where you feel comfortable in that clothing. Because if you don't feel comfortable, you're not going to want to wear it. Even if you love the style. You love the color. Oh, but it doesn't fit me. Okay, but there's a fix for that. Like you said. 


Stasha Boyd  27:11

All right. Well, I got a- We need to get into our questions here though, because you've got some really good questions, which I really like. So we talked about what being fashionable means. Did you talk about what being fashionable means to you?


Cheryl Stuller  27:23

Fashionable to me means being chic. It doesn't mean wearing the latest and greatest what the runway is bringing out. Chic is being elegant. And being fitted or you know, the fabric falls on you correctly. It's that kind of being chic. And I think for women, I see women showing up at the grocery store in pajamas, pajama bottoms and a T-shirt, their glasses are on top of their head and they have this I have given up on life look, I'm just shopping and I just want to get through this.


Stasha Boyd  28:04



Cheryl Stuller  28:05

I have a totally different attitude towards that. Because it, it reminds me of how I feel about fitness. It takes time. But in the end, it benefits you. So what are you going to do towards that? Take a few minutes. Okay, this is what I'm wearing today. This is what I wore today they're shorts, Okay, black shorts.


Stasha Boyd  28:17

You're wearing little black shorts, and they're, they're nice enough. They've got a nice type of waisted band there, the top is cream.


Cheryl Stuller  28:34

And then I wore these shoes with it.


Stasha Boyd  28:36

Oh, those shoes are fabulous.


Cheryl Stuller  28:38

Yeah, three inch heel, three inch heel is I wouldn't recommend going above a three inch heel. If we are in our 50s and above, because the arch of that really affects our posture, our back, our hips, our knees, everything. 


Stasha Boyd  28:55

Knees especially for me. 


Cheryl Stuller  28:56

Knees, especially. So, um, I wear that going to my own freakin business where nobody sees me. But it's because that's what I- that's what I feel. Has has allowed me to take a few minutes for myself. I like the outfit. I it looks chic. It looks together. It looks like you care about yourself enough to take a few minutes. And my hair looks terrible today because I need to to color it. But you've taken a few minutes to put some time into yourself. And that's what it's about. I'm not dressing for anybody but myself.


Stasha Boyd  29:37

It's interesting that you say that about going to work because, um, two things. The bit about, like, you know, you're talking about doing something yourself and making a presentation of- my grandmother, dad's mom, Ganny. And so when I was a little kid, I had a problem with "Rs" and so granny and gramps became Ganny and Gamps so that's Ganny daddy's momma, Ganny. But I remember she always said- she talked about what people who just would look slovenly, she's like, they just look so slovenly. And they're standing on the back of their shoes. And, you know, they're wearing, they're wearing, they're going to the, they're going to the store in shorts, they're wearing a T-shirt. And the way she said T-shirt, it just sounded like she said, shit. I mean, basically, she's like they're wearing shit. I mean, but her whole point was, for heaven's sakes, child, act like you care or show somebody you care.


Cheryl Stuller  30:28

Act like you care. And you're caring about yourself, you're not, I want to make this perfectly clear, you're not caring about what other people view you as, except for what I said, make sure it looks good on your body type. Um, but you are caring enough about yourself to take those 15, 20 extra minutes to put on something that coordinates and what I mean by coordinate is, you should have your handbag, your belt and your shoes match. And they should be tonal with the colors that you're wearing. So that's why I have black shorts on. And I- I accentuated the cream because I like to accentuate the lesser known color. So I'm going to accentuate the cream instead of the black because this is black, my shorts are black. These are cream to go with it.


Stasha Boyd  31:23

Yeah, I would have said taupe, but that's okay. The point about getting dressed and going to work. So Cheryl, their, their business, they have a separate office for it. So, and there are people who work there. So she gets up and she can go to the office. And she walks in as both of the co-owner and also the essentially the the CFO, she's the finance person. I on the other hand, work from home, and we have our house and then we have a detached building where our offices are. But one of the things that I do is I get dressed to go to work every day. And that means I put my makeup on, that means I put you know now I might not put the most fashionable clothes on every day. But I put on something that I feel like I look good in that if somebody wants to zoom call me they can. I do not show up, even working from home and we've worked from home for nearly 20 years. And my husband and I work from home together in the same office. And the reason for that is because to me, it's like there is a difference when you get up and you get dressed and you go to work. And you, I mean you put your face on, you put your shoes on. Now I might, now we take our shoes off going back and forth. So you know I might just wear like a pair of sandals up and down the stairs kind of thing. But they're probably going to be like the sandals that look good. They're not going to be my yard shoes, because I'm going to work and it makes a difference. It makes the your clothes and actually in my when I was working in the theater. And then I was studying in school, I was at FSU, and we had a costume designer, a renowned costume designer, he won BAFTA's he won Oscars, he was a an incredible designer. And he was saying here's the thing you need to understand about costume and wardrobe design, you can take the same actress in the same role. And you can create her costume with silk or you can create it with burlap and she'll act differently in either in either scene. Because the way you feel is it does affect how you how you present yourself in the world and how you act. And there's actually an acting style that that is there's there's an inward-out acting style and there's an outward-in acting style. But essentially, I'm an outward-in person. So if you put me in the right clothes, if I put myself in the right clothes, and I dressed myself and I put everything together, and Okay, I'm out in the world. I act and behave differently.


Cheryl Stuller  33:52

And people treat you differently too. 


Stasha Boyd  33:54

Oh, hell yes. 


Cheryl Stuller  33:56

Oh my god. And that and that was that proves my point about what I said earlier about, you are also going to be treated better. Whether it's fair or not fair, it doesn't matter. Society is going to treat you the way you present yourself in society and the way you feel about yourself. If you're going to dress like a hooker you're going to be treated like a hooker. If you're if you're going to dress like you care about, you know, you're chic, your're fashionable. You've put yourself toget- you've taken time you're not showing up at the grocery store in pajama pants, crocs and a T-shirt with barely a bra on. I'm sorry, you're going to be treated differently.


Stasha Boyd  34:42

And we noticed that at the airport, by the way, I mean the number of people who go to the airport and to fly in pajama bottoms and socks with these weird crocs on and then they wonder why they get shabby treatment. It's like well, because you look like an amateur for starters. You know people who know how to fly don't do that.


Cheryl Stuller  34:59

You look like you don't care. So why do we care?


Stasha Boyd  35:02

Right, exactly. And this is really good point. And I think it's important for the listeners to hear because I want to make sure that I'm clear about this. I'm, when I'm talking about, you know, passing judgment on people the way they dress, I'm talking about people who've made an effort to dress a certain way, they have made an effort, and it's like, okay, you can see that they, whatever, whether you agree with the thought pattern, they have put some kind of effort into something, as opposed to the people who, honestly, it's like, like you said, it's pajama pants, it's, you know, weird, it's all this kind of stuff. And you're like, you are deciding that whatever crappy feeling you have about yourself, you are just going to, you know, force it upon the rest of us. However you dress at home, or if you're with your friends, or at your friends' houses, and y'all are all together, and you're being a crew and a team. Awesome. But when you go out into the world, and I do think this, maybe it is part of our age or our time, I do think that when you go out in the world, it is important to show people that you care.


Cheryl Stuller  36:06

Well, and you're showing that you care about yourself. That's the important piece to take away from that. So let's talk about how we should dress. So you take your favorite body parts, the parts that you love about yourself that you feel confident in, and you accentuate those, 


Stasha Boyd  36:26

What's yours? 


Cheryl Stuller  36:27

Okay, so mine are my shoulders, not my arms, I want to take my arms out of it, because we're going to talk specifically about that my shoulders and my legs. I like both of those things. So I'm going to accentuate when I dress, those two, two things. If I if I can't, like with this blouse, I can't accentuate my shoulders, then I'm going to make sure I have a longer sleeve. So your- I will never ever wear a V-neck T-shirt with a short sleeve. Because as we age, unless we have a Tia Claire Toomey arms, who is the CrossFit champion for women. And unless we have arms like her, we're not going to look good in that because it's cutting off the good part of our arm and showing the flabbier part of our arm. It's very hard to keep our triceps toned our biceps toned. So take the take the bits of your body that aren't that you aren't as confident in that you don't think look as good. And hide that with clothing that accentuates the parts that you do love about yourself.


Stasha Boyd  37:46

And ladies, I am going to come up I'm about to I- we're like you know Siskel and Ebert today, we're like going back and forth. I'm gonna say, ladies, that's awesome for Cheryl. But for me that some bullshit and here's why. For me, for me. Um I don't care what the world thinks of my arms anymore. Because here's the thing I- what I want to emphasize here at to what part you like, I'm very happy with my, from my shoulders, or actually from like, mid boobs up. You know, my face-


Cheryl Stuller  38:20

You like your shoulders, you wear those types of cut-outs shirts alot. 


Stasha Boyd  38:23

Oh, gosh, yes. And I'm going to talk about that. It's like, you know, for me, I'm happy I want anything that emphasizes my face and my shoulders. I am happy with my face. I am happy with my shoulders and whatnot. And it has been just kind of fucking annoying that there is nothing I seem to be able to do about my arms. This is this is a menopausal- I have all my life I've had beautiful arms. And now I have this. And I've tried and I have my weights and I've done everything. And they're not changing. And let me tell you something. I'm not covering these bitches up for anybody. Because I have tried. And it's like, I don't care if the world thinks that my arms are too big to wear whatever shirt that I like. Because I like the thin top or the thin strap tank tops. I like especially if it's a silk top that like that kind of skims but doesn't cling. I don't wear knit. I hate knit. You will not catch me in knit. But in a- in silk and polyester. And things like that- like the shirt I'm wearing right now it's like for those who can't see it, it's a beautiful polyester blend. It's in my favorite color, which is like that either that navy to royal sapphire blue with white and shoulders, cold shoulders cut out, has the little sleeves on it, which are nice. But if they weren't there, that would be fine. But it pulls every bit of attention on me up to my face. And not- same reason I wear the big earrings. And so but I think the thing that happens is I have I've spent my lifetime with both other people telling me, and then me believing, that Oh my god Stasha you can't wear that. You know you're ass is too big. Oh my god, you can't wear that your arms are too flabby. Oh my god, you can't wear that your stomach is too big. And I'm like, fuck all y'all. I'm gonna wear what I like. And so that so- So ladies and this is again for the ladies who are kind of like on Team Stasha on this conversation. I'm gonna say that for you guys, where what you want. For the girls that are on Team Cheryl? Absolutely. If you feel better with that extra sleeve, if that makes you feel fierce, and you and you don't have to worry about it, then oh god, yes, man, you find yourself the most perfect sleeve and you do that and you rock it. And you love and don't let anybody tell you that your arms are fine.


Cheryl Stuller  40:44

Okay, well, we will agree to disagree on that. Because it again, it goes back to accentuating your body in the stage that you are now what works for that. And that's that's the point I was getting to that. And maybe that's just me, not feeling confident about my arms, I want to make sure the right proportion of what I'm showing feels good to me. Which is the point about pick the parts of your body that you really feel confident in, that you love, and accentuate those. 


Stasha Boyd  41:18

That made also such a beautiful point that we made in our thing about body image. Because you talked about you know, don't think that you see the the woman that you think is pretty or that you think is thin or that you think is skinny, and should be Oh my God, oh so proud of their arms and go oh my god, she needs to wear a shoulderless sleeveless, topless, strapless whatever shirt, because I think she looks so awesome. Because that person, however awesome you might think they look, that person's got their own history. They have their own baggage to carry. And it's like, let them carry it. And again, if they want to put it down, they can come talk to somebody, they can talk to you, they can talk to somebody else, you know, but here's the thing, if it's not heavy baggage for them, leave them the fuck alone.


Cheryl Stuller  42:05

Absolutely. And I agree with that. 


Stasha Boyd  42:07

Yeah. But I'm talking about like for somebody, it's like, if I looked at somebody and said, you have the perfect physique, I would kill to look like you, no, I seriously would, I would kill- if somebody came and said Stasha if you shot this person over here, you could look like Cheryl. I, you might have to watch your back. Because the idea.... Yeah, because again, I've never had that. But it's so it's so eye opening to me right now. Because I have always thought and always believed, and so internalized so deeply, that people that I envied were completely happy and proud of how they looked.


Cheryl Stuller  42:47

And that is so not true. And I hope I hope that came out in the body image thing so that we do, so that we are less critical of our fellow women, because women are harder on women than anybody else. And we're harder on ourselves. So that's why I said individualize it to you take what you feel confident and strong in and emphasize that with your clothing. It's just another piece or layer of how you feel about yourself that you want to present to whoever, whoever that is.


Stasha Boyd  43:28

And this is a question because I think this is another might lead us in a really cool place. Um, how do you feel when people compliment you on things that you're not that pleased with? Like I said, I just talked about how incredibly awesome your arms are, but you you dress to like, because you're not pleased with them. So when somebody says, oh my god Cheryl what the hell is wrong with you, your arms are awesome. What do you- what do you feel? What do you think?


Cheryl Stuller  43:52

I would say to that person, thank you so much for that compliment. But here's how I feel about that. And I'm still working on that and until I get confident in that this is how I choose to dress to feel the best about myself. So I would take that back on myself and own that and and kind of emphasize that I'm not dressing for you. I'm dressing for me and this is how I feel good.


Stasha Boyd  44:21

I gotta say I think that is probably the most that is the most important thing for anyone to walk away with. It's like you know, whatever it is, A, you don't owe anybody an apology or an explanation. B, if you feel good and you will know because you'll put it on and you'll feel great. Like me with this blouse, I feel great in the shirt. And I like it and I'm happy with it and I think I look pretty. I mean again, that's my bottom line. 


Cheryl Stuller  44:50

You do look pretty actually you and and you're not one of those people who don't know how to dress for your body. And that's that's my whole point about all of this. You know what your body is and how you feel about it, and you dress for that. And that's part of the confidence that you walk into that room with that everybody sees that you don't always feel but that everybody sees in you,


Stasha Boyd  45:15

But they don't. They don't see me walk into a dressing room and that's- okay story-


Cheryl Stuller  45:19

I know, I know you said Xanax and Chardonnay is what gets you into every dressing room and a few tears and I get that.


Stasha Boyd  45:26

Absolutely. But I will tell you about so. So in my 20s, right, so I'm in my 20s. And, you know, back when I was a teenager, Mama used to love to take me shopping, you know, and we would buy these- Casual Corner down at the Paddock Mall. Oh my god. But the best clothes looked so good. I mean, it was the 80. So it was like big shoulder pads and blues and greens. And I really did look good. But Mama loved to take me shopping. As I got older and like had again, more and more challenges. Now I was still thin again, a but I, but I thought I was not. So the last time we went shopping together. I was probably, it was before I met Mike so it was definitely before I was 27 actually it was before I was 25. So it was sometime between 23 and 24. Mama came down and we decide to go shopping. And I'm just having a very hard time finding clothes and everything is too difficult. It's too tight. And it's too this and it's too that I'm and I'm just having a hard time. And Mama was getting so mad at me. So mad and so frustrated. And finally at some point, she said, that's it. I am never going to go shopping with you again. Because you don't appreciate what you have. And my mother and I have never shopped for so much as a handbag since. I will not A: I will not shop with her. But I remember because again, that whole idea and look at me, I'm getting misty again. That whole idea of hurting and being in pain. And the person that you would hope would help you says no, your your feelings don't matter. 


Cheryl Stuller  47:01

Dismissed you. 


Stasha Boyd  47:02

Yeah they tell you you're wrong, rather than trying to understand what you're saying. 


Cheryl Stuller  47:06

Exactly. Yeah, exactly. And oh, god dammit, let's stop doing that to each other. Ask the question, ask the follow up question. You know, if it's presented to you like, like I did with the little girl today, well, why do you think you lie? And when she told me it's because it's how I got through protecting myself and protecting my circumstances that I was in. And that's what I learned. That was the lightbulb moment. So if you ask somebody, why do you feel that way about yourself, and they get to tell you that story, it kind of tells you why and how they're dressing, why and how they're treating themselves, why and how they're choosing the people to hang around, that they hang around. There's a story behind all all of those little facets of our lives. And if we take the time to ask the right questions, then we can find out what's going on in their life. And and we can say well, how can I help you with that? I'm here for you. I have your back. What can I do for you and with you.


Stasha Boyd  48:16

And you can start having fun again. Which, you know, those shoes you just held up? Oh my god, girls, ladies, women, you have got to see these shoes. And I'm a shoe girl, I will spend $150 on a pair of shoes. And I will pair it with a $20 pair of slacks and a $15 shirt from Walmart. But the thing is, is that I believe- Well, first of all, I love shoes. But the thing is, is that I think those things are fun. I like wearing fun shoes. I like getting complimented on my shoes. I don't necessarily think that my quote unquote feet are great. But I do like having an outfit that goes together from the shoes to the purse to the belt to the to the earrings to everything. Um, now again, for people who you know, we're coming kind of out of this incredible like financial crisis and I will tell you, I will tell every single person that when it comes to my decision making tree I will absolutely value money in money out, which we talked about under finances, over feels good fashion, not. Because that's that's where my- I put my priorities, but when the money is where it needs to be and everything's rolling along just fine. Then absolutely. When I go shopping, I don't go out and buy a pair of pants. I buy the pants, the shirt, the jewelry, the purse, the shoes, the whole thing. 


Cheryl Stuller  49:43

You buy the whole thing. Because I will take inventory as to what I have in my closet and I will say okay, I keep going back to that shirt. Okay, let's find a shirt that's like that and get a different style or color so that you can change your wardrobe up a little bit. And I, girls, I like to dress- my favorite colors are black, gray and blue.


Stasha Boyd  50:10

That is true. Those are her favorite colors.


Cheryl Stuller  50:12

Those are my favorite colors. Those are my power colors. That's how I feel the most confident. It's how I feel works best with my skin tone. Um, so I will find accessories, clothes, handbags that compliment all of those colors. And my favorite thing to do for the listeners is I will wear a black shirt, black pants or shorts or skirt or whatever. And I'll wear a totally different color shoe. So your shoe is popping. You can be so simplistic that you don't have a lot of colors going on. And you're emphasizing your body parts that you like, the colors that you like, you can have the same color up top and pop there goes your shoe. So let me show you this.


Stasha Boyd  51:07

I got to see. 


Cheryl Stuller  51:08

Because I told you I would show you the SJP shoes. 


Stasha Boyd  51:13

Oh my god, they got the red sole. Oh my god. 


Cheryl Stuller  51:16

Oh my god, are these not gorgeous?


Stasha Boyd  51:19

Ladies and gentlemen, what she's just held up is this absolutely fantastic. About a two and a half inch heel? Is it a satin shoe, Cheryl?


Cheryl Stuller  51:26

It's not a big heel, it's a satin shoe. So you would only want to wear this at night.


Stasha Boyd  51:31

In a magenta in a glimmering magenta color. And it's a not quite, not quite a pizza point but a very a very sharp point on the toe and a little bit of a rise at the the back of the ankle. Oh is that a black stripe, Oh is that just a black stripe on the- Oh it's very simple it's very nice.


Cheryl Stuller  51:49

Oh my God and to wear a black shirt and black fitted jeans and pop this out? It's so simple to dress that way and have that pop of color. And then I just want to show you one more pair of shoes because I love them so much. 


Stasha Boyd  52:04

While you're grabbing those though- let me let me just say one thing while you're grabbing them, for the ladies who, you know, do have challenges with like shopping and whatever. A good black shirt, a good black pair of pants. But then put your, and especially if you're like body image conscious because you can- Girl you know you can find black if you're body image conscious you know you can, but then fun shoe, fun purse, fun jewelry or fun scarf. 


Cheryl Stuller  52:25

Yeah, exactly. Um, these are Oh my God, look at these. These are so gorgeous. I could have an orgasm right now look at these. 


Stasha Boyd  52:34

They really are. Okay, now we're talking about a three and a half inch stiletto heel,


Cheryl Stuller  52:40

This is a three and a half inch- so you cannot wear these. I only have worn these twice. And it was to like black tie events.


Stasha Boyd  52:48

Yeah. But you gotta tell people what they are because this is podcast honey. So hold them up again, so it's the three and a half inch heel, very thin skinny strap that comes across the top of the he- top of the foot and then kind of wraps around the back. But the front of the toe again, a nice sharp toe, in front of the toe, is all a silver sparkle. Not not like big, not not big, cheesy sequins or anything, but tiny little rhinestones.


Cheryl Stuller  53:14

So you always want to go a half size bigger when you have this pointed toe. So that your toes aren't cramping into this point. So you always go a little bit bigger so that you can wear those comfortably. But, I just just buying things like that that and and it doesn't have to be expensive. Just buying things that make you feel good that give you a pop of color. If you tend to go that gray, black, brown, or blue those those very, you know, bold but neutral colors. Specifically, I never can say that word, specifically in fashion. Um, and then I always wear something edgy. Like I'll wear a black bracelet. That's leather. Just to give me a little little bit of edge. So I'm not always you know, dainty. I don't like to be dainty. I like to always have something on me that's edgy.


Stasha Boyd  54:13

Yeah, and I think that is actually funny because I think we're kind of the reverse. It's like, you know, I for me, it's like my number one thing is color. I and it's jewel tones, Sapphire Blue, Ruby Red, Emerald Green, the deep, dark, rich, saturated colors. And what I normally do is I bought most of my tops, that's what I look for is like really good color. Garnet, super color on me. And then I almost always pair those with either black pants or skirt or white pants or skirt. And then my shoes are either going to be black or neutral. And occasionally from time to time I'll find a really cool little color shoe like a Navy or something. But for the most time, most part, like I said I want all of the attention on me to come to my chest and higher or to my feet. So, and I like them close cut, one of the things, I think one of the mistakes and the challenges that a lot of people who are overweight have a tendency to make, is they wear clothes that are too fluffy. And it's like, you're concerned about the size. And and what happens is, and this is also the manufacturers, the people who make them's problem, they go out there, and they create clothes for women who are overweight. And it becomes yards and yards of fabric, and big weird floral prints and all sorts of bullshit. As if, you know, this person has never had sex and never wants to. It's awful what they do in plus size women fashion. If your look, if you want a simple thing to be fashionable, get yourself a really good pair of dark and in my case, I prefer black, but black close pants, either in a crop or in an ankle. And then a really pretty shoe. And again in a black or white, and then pair it with a color that you love. It could be orange, it could be yellow, it could be gold, it could be whatever. It doesn't matter because it's black or white on the top and the bottom. And let that be the thing that you feel good about. I am- there's actually a picture that we have on the, that we've done on like a previous project episode. I don't remember which episode it was. But I'm like wearing the black leggings and the little black strappy sandals and a Garnet colored top. And I'm just leaning up against a wall and that picture is actually a test shot that Mike and I were doing for the wall. It had nothing to do with what I was wearing that day we're just trying to do some test shots for proportion. But that's how if I- if I say, you know, what my average style looks like. That's it. Something close, something tight on the bottom. And nice and draw attention to my upper half and that's it.


Cheryl Stuller  56:56

And don't be afraid to be fitted. Don't have everything baggy and loose. It's okay to be fitted no matter what size you are. As long as you either A, wear spandex, because that really helps smooth you out, no matter what size you are. You don't want to see panty lines. You don't want to see bra lines. Either don't wear a bra or wear a bra that you can't see the lines on. Is it spandex? Spanks. Spanks! Yeah. I'm sorry. Spanx. I wear Spanx. Because it just smoothes, smoothes you out. And you don't have those panty lines. You don't want to wear a fitted dress. Why are you having a heart attack? 


Stasha Boyd  57:41

I'm having a heart attack. Y'all wish y'all can see us. I'm going Oh my god, are you kidding me? Folks, please go to our Instagram or our Facebook and look at her pictures.


Cheryl Stuller  57:54

You need to wear Spanx to smooth out things you don't want any panty lines.


Stasha Boyd  57:58

I will not wear Spanx. I will, I tried them. I bought them, people have said wear them, I put them on. And always here's this thing, Cheryl, here's what they do to me. I put them on. And then I get this little sausage casing feeling. I feel like I'm a sausage. And then every time I move, I feel like I'm reminded that it's like, oh my god, this roll. So here's the thing, I buy the clothes that fit and that I feel comfortable in. And then I let the chips fall where they may. I do try to buy good bras that fit because I don't like the pinchy things. But that's really about my comfort, not anybody else's. But again, it's hard. Like I said, and I've told this before to people and in some of our previous episodes, ladies, whatever you feel like if you if you're thin if you're bigger or whatever, there are plenty of people out there who basically are hard on themselves. And there are people in the world who are gonna be hard on them and disapprove and not like this and whatever. Honestly, fuck all those people.


Cheryl Stuller  58:59

And I agree with you.


Stasha Boyd  59:00

Yeah, because you want to feel if you feel good. If you, if you get up and you did your best day, this is my best outfit today. This is the best I can do today. Then go to bed feeling like you did your thing. 


Cheryl Stuller  59:14

Mm hmm. But don't show up. Don't show up taking your kids to school or going to the grocery store in pajama pants every day.


Stasha Boyd  59:23

Or what if you've got curlers in your hair. I'm sorry.


Cheryl Stuller  59:26

Because you're it's it's like you're giving up on yourself. Don't give up on your on yourself. Take the time to do things that that make you feel good help you look good. So that you carry that confidence through the day. I mean, that's important.


Stasha Boyd  59:43

And I gotta tell you, I here's the I just looked out at the time. I think this is like the longest one we've ever done. 


Cheryl Stuller  59:48

I'm sorry, this was a good one though. 


Stasha Boyd  59:51

It was a really good one. I think this is probably one of the things that I find is most interesting because if people would, when people get to know us, and they learn how both alike and different that we are. I gotta tell you, I think that this is probably one of the most powerful pieces that we've done. Because I do think that it's important to care about how you look for yourself. And I think it's also important to not care what other people think of it.


Cheryl Stuller  1:00:20

I absolutely agree.


Stasha Boyd  1:00:22

Yeah. There you go. Alright, girly girl. Okay, what was the last thing? Oh, so our last question as always, if people heard nothing else today, what do you want them to take away.


Cheryl Stuller  1:00:35

Take the time to care enough about yourself. To dress in the way that makes you feel confident and makes you feel powerful. So that when you go out into the world you carry that with you. If you are showing up in crocs and pajama pants and a T-shirt, you haven't taken that time for yourself.


Stasha Boyd  1:00:59

Right. And, and for me, I would say that what I would want people to say is that you you can be you can be beautiful and feel wonderful and and have an incredibly fantastic feeling life. You can wear nice clothes, you can have fun with fashion, all of that can be part of your life. You are not, you're not too big, you are not too thin, you are not too short, you are not too tall. It's just a matter of saying this makes me feel good. I feel good. And off you go.


Cheryl Stuller  1:01:33

And I put one of the websites that I like is I put that in the notes. They- I love them because they show clothes in smaller sizes. And they show a model and clothes in larger sizes. 


Stasha Boyd  1:01:50

Is that Revolution or Reformation.


Cheryl Stuller  1:01:54

I thought it was Revolution.


Stasha Boyd  1:01:55

I see. There's five things there. Carbon 38 the Reformation.


Cheryl Stuller  1:02:01

Okay, I'm sorry, it's Reformation. I'm sorry,


Stasha Boyd  1:02:03

Folks. It's gonna be the show notes, go to the show notes.


Cheryl Stuller  1:02:05

It'll be in the show notes. But Carbon 38 and Noli Yoga, because half of my- half of my time is spent in exercise stuff. So that's cute stuff. With the same thing that we're talking about with exercise apparel that makes you feel good when you're working out.


Stasha Boyd  1:02:25

We're gonna have to do- obviously this is a bigger, bigger topic. We're gonna have to do another episode on fashion.


Cheryl Stuller  1:02:31

Well send us questions and comments, you know, listeners. Yeah. Tell us what you want to hear about. And specifically about this topic? 


Stasha Boyd  1:02:40

Yeah. All right. You guys have been told Cheryl's done told y'all what to do. She has expectations now. All right, everybody. It has been a lovely night. Cheryl, it is always a pleasure. Me and you girl. It's so weird. So weird. It's been so many years. Ah, by the way, did my nails too. I got my I got my Beatles gel going too. Dark, grey. Okay. All right, kids. We love y'all. We'll see y'all next time. 


Cheryl Stuller  1:03:10

Have a great week!


Stasha Boyd  1:03:11

Bye warrior queens. Bye.