The Point of the Matter
Two women—friends for 50 years, no holding back, no bullshit, deeply southern—break down the issues that all grown-ass women deal with on the daily. We deliver not only a unique point of view, but a cocktail as well! We’re those outspoken, frank girlfriends that most women know, some women are, and many women want to be. Most off all, we're the friends every woman deserves to have in her life. So grab a cocktail...or a mocktail...we don't judge (Okay, that's a lie. We absolutely judge but never about your beverage of choice) and join in!
30 episodes
Lessons Learned: It’s been a heck of a year, y'all
Holy cow, ladies. 2021 is coming to a close and (lordy be!) have we been on a learning curve of epic proportions this past year. Not just starting this podcast, but about life, work, friendship, family, mental health, boundaries, communication ...
Season 1
Episode 30

Holiday Etiquette: It ain't that freakin' hard
Have you ever sat at a 4-way stop with folks who can't figure out who goes next? Have you played a game with someone who doesn't, or worse, won't learn the rules? Have you witnessed the chaos and rage that happens when people didn't know, or re...
Season 1
Episode 29

Gratitude: The fast track to a great life
You can’t scroll for half a hot second and not see some pithy plea to practice gratitude. Usually, this type of thing makes us a bit nuts but this is perhaps the only exception to that rule. Gratitude IS the bomb-diggity. It is the...
Season 1
Episode 28

Hard Conversations: With your integrity, sanity (and family) intact
If you thought Halloween’s episode about fear was scary, you aren’t ready for the Holidays. Grandma/Mimi/Nana in the kitchen: Well, if YOU prefer a DRY turkey, fine! Brother/Sister/Cousin at the supper table: Yeah, remember that tim...
Season 1
Episode 27

Emotional Manipulation: Breadcrumbing, negging, ghosting, etc.
Ladies, there’s a lot of bullsh*t in this world and a lot of that bullsh*t has some new names. Whatever it’s called, it’s emotionally manipulative AND it’s effin’ bullsh*t. More importantly, being on the receiving end of this BS can make you qu...
Season 1
Episode 26

Fear: More than a mind killer
Halloween is coming up this weekend and everyone is getting excited about getting scared! Woo hoo! That’s the fun type of chest-pounding, horror-movie watching, jump-out-of-your-skin terror that we can TOTALLY get behind. What we can’t (and abs...
Season 1
Episode 25

Major Moments: Small events; huge impacts
Sometimes the tiniest, most random fork in the road changes the entire direction of your life. A disrupted mother/daughter day out (Stasha), an ex’s demand (Cheryl), a bus stop fist fight (both). Looking back in our 50s, and knowing how it's tu...
Season 1
Episode 24

Friendship: Twice the laughs; half the tears
There are two things we KNOW to be true: 1) it’s hard to make and keep friends as you get older and 2) it’s nearly impossible to be happy without friends. From your local hang-out peeps to your shared-interest [book/bike/kayak/fitne...
Season 1
Episode 23

Gaslighting: It isn’t you; it's never you. It's them.
Sometimes recent events bring up a subject that grabs us by the heart and we need to talk about it. Gaslighting—a specific type of psychological abuse, usually directed at women in order to control them—is one of those topics. What is i...
Season 1
Episode 22

Setbacks: Getting up when life gets you down
Like everything else, handling life like a boss is a skill that can be cultivated or that can wither on the vine. First step to being a setback badass? Learn the difference between an inconvenience, a setback, a crisis, and a catastrophe. (Hint...
Season 1
Episode 21

Life Hacks: Making life easier one tip at a time
If there’s anything we love it’s something that makes life a little easier. And while there’s certainly isn’t a shortage of life hack advice on the internetz, both good and WTF, our standing rule remains: a good hack works for YOU. This week, w...
Season 1
Episode 20

Goals: You’ve come a long way but you’re not there yet
Remember when you were in your 20s or 30s? Lifetime goals were a lifetime away. Well guess what, WarriorQueens? You’re now hip deep in midlife (or later) and there are still things you want to do, to achieve, and to be in your 50s, 60s, 70s and...
Season 1
Episode 19

Advice: When dumb ideas come hard & fast
Ladies, if we had a nickel for every bit of dumbass advice we’ve heard regarding what women in their 50s “need to do!” we could retire rich. Today. And you don’t have to look far. It’s everywhere. 10 THINGS YOU MUST DO NOW! 25 ACTIONS YOU MUST ...
Season 1
Episode 18

Values: We never go against who we really are
Lots of folks claim lots of things about their values…while the rest of us sit over here with popcorn and see how the act. (We’re looking at you, pearl-clutching Family Values chick; and you too, Mr. Personal Responsibility dude.) But other peo...
Season 1
Episode 17

Society: “You be you!” (No, not like that)
Ever had a conversation that starts off on a normal track then veers off the highway, jumps the curb, skids across the ditch, blasts through the trees, then ends up on a totally different road careening towards a completely unknown destination?...
Season 1
Episode 16

Men: Marvelous, maddening, magnificent manhood
Men! They’re everywhere, amiright?? Fathers, brothers, sons, friends, cousins, co-workers, partners, clients, customers, employers, employees. The list goes on and on. But most important for this conversation, men are much, much more than husba...
Season 1
Episode 15

Dating: A BFD to your BFF
What do two long-time married women know about dating in midlife? The answers will surprise you. Whether it’s supporting friends re-entering the dating world or being in it ourselves (What?! Listen to the episode!) there’s a lot of wisdom and e...
Season 1
Episode 14

Grit: Getting sh*t done when life ain’t fun
Breaking news! Sometimes life is hard and work isn’t fun. People who handle that fact like a boss have something called grit, the ability to gut it out in order to achieve a long-term goal. In this episode we get down and dirty on the importanc...
Season 1
Episode 13

Pet Peeves: Stop petting my peeves!
You know what pets Cheryl’s peeves? Slow drivers in the fast lane or let’s get real, slow drivers in any lane. Know what drives Stasha nuts? Tailgaters, in any lane at any speed. When someone or something’s got you biting your tongue or yelli...
Season 1
Episode 12

Fashion: A good look at looking good
How we present ourselves in the world, or how we don’t, speaks volumes. Do you stay up on the latest trends out of Paris? (Cheryl) Or do you commit to a tried-and-true look that suits you regardless of what anyone else thinks? (Stasha) Do you f...
Season 1
Episode 11

Success: What ya get when ya get what ya want
If success is, as the dictionary defines it, achieving a desired goal or outcome, then the logical answer to “am I successful?” is what did you want and did you get it? In this episode we take a deep dive on the different ways women in their 50...
Season 1
Episode 10

Body Image: Same s#*t after all these years.
From too thin (Cheryl) to too fat (Stasha), boobs too big or too small, stomach too round, booty too flat, all our lives women are told how we are supposed to look and worse, that we don’t look like we should. Holy hell. Now add in being in our...
Season 1
Episode 9

Food: Everybody's gotta eat, right?
Saying food is a big part of life is like saying air is a big part of breathing. Socializing, family life, celebrating, satiating! And once again, our approach to all things food couldn’t be more different. Dinner party for eight (Stasha) or re...
Season 1
Episode 8

Finances: Money, money, money!
When it comes to money—making it, spending it, managing it—we handle it like the badass boss-ladies we are. Even though we took different paths and had very different circumstances, our common sense money rules produced two financially secure a...
Season 1
Episode 7

Relationships: How they work and when they don’t
As women in our fifties, we’ve had a LOT of experience with relationships. Current (and former) spouses, friends old and new, how to make new ones, how to keep old ones, and when to cut ‘em loose and let ‘em go. It all boils down to the big thr...
Season 1
Episode 6