The Point of the Matter

Advice: When dumb ideas come hard & fast

Stasha Boyd / Cheryl Stuller Season 1 Episode 18
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Ladies, if we had a nickel for every bit of dumbass advice we’ve heard regarding what women in their 50s “need to do!” we could retire rich. Today. And you don’t have to look far. It’s everywhere. 10 THINGS YOU MUST DO NOW! 25 ACTIONS YOU MUST TAKE TODAY!! 50 WAYS TO KICK 50s ASS THIS YEAR!!! Holy exclamation points, Batwoman.
This week we scoured the web looking for the worst-of-the-worst (Spend more time in bed! And no, they didn’t mean sex) in the form of well-intentioned (master crossword puzzles!) and way-off-the-mark (Smile more!) advice lists and lo and behold! A list so bereft of good ideas and good sense it rocked us back on our high heels and had us reaching for a double mocktail. So, grab a glass of something soothing while we get riled up. We’re letting loose on bad advice.   

Our last alcohol-free August mocktail/beverage!

 Stasha’s Dragonfruit Kambucha/Strawberry Bubly Fizz

 Into a pretty glass with ice, fill half with your favorite kambucha and half with flavored fizzy water. Add a twist of lime, a few mint leaves, or anything else you’d feel kicks it up a bit. Swirl with a swizzle stick because it’s festive. 

 Iced-tea a la Cheryl

 Into a tall glass with ice, fill half with lightly sweet tea and half with plain water. Add a squeeze of lemon. Stir with a teaspoon.